Individual Coaching

Here at Ergon Elite Fitness, we believe every individual is capable of achieving excellence.

Our coaches work with competitive Crossfit athletes hoping to make it beyond Semifinals, as well as functional fitness athletes who simply want to become fit for life, and also service members in the military looking to move up in rank with specialized fitness requirements.

Our athletes embrace our motto: Raise the Standard.

We go the extra mile, not because others expect it of us, but because we expect it of ourselves.

Competitive Athletes

This option is for serious athletes whose goals are to compete in CrossFit, or another sport.

Functional Fitness

This option encompasses all athletes who are looking to increase their fitness level with a variety of goals ranging from post-partum strength training, to increasing overall mobility and fitness.

Military Members

We take pride in our service members, and we are experienced in assisting them as they reach new fitness levels required by their military ambitions.
